Contrary to some beliefs, lasers are not used to remove cataract itself. Not yet. Cataracts can only be removed through a surgical method referred to by ophthalmologists as phacoemulsification. It is an ultra sound technology which breaks up the cataract "sonically" and then sucking it out of the eye.
Another surgical method in which to remove a cataract is through phacofracture. Here, the cataract is broken up into small pieces mechanically using special instruments and directly removes them from the eye through a small incision.
Sometimes, some people who have had cataract surgery, after months or years, develop an after-cataract. An after-cataract is a condition where the natural capsule that supports the intraocular lens of the eye becomes cloudy and thus blurs your vision. A laser surgery is now needed.
The YAG laser capsulotomy is the method applied in treating after-cataract. It utilizes a laser beam to make a tiny hole in the lens to let light pass through. It only takes a several minutes and is painless.
For those who do not have or still do not have cataract but is suffering from other eye problems such as near sightedness, far sightedness or astigmatism there is another form of laser surgery treatment that can correct your vision.
LASIK is a type of refractive surgical procedure intended to reduce a person's dependency on eye glasses or contact lenses. If you have been operated before for cataract say 15 years ago, LASIK can be performed safely and quickly without adversely affecting the positive result of your cataract surgery.
Or you can have a LASIK surgery today and after 15 years you can also have a cataract operation without negating the achievements of your previous LASIK procedure.
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